Crafting Memories: The Heartwarming Candle Maki...
Hey there, candle lovers and fellow dreamers! It's Cindy, the proud owner of Candle Studio 1422, and I'm absolutely thrilled to share with you why our candle-making experience is a...
Crafting Memories: The Heartwarming Candle Maki...
Hey there, candle lovers and fellow dreamers! It's Cindy, the proud owner of Candle Studio 1422, and I'm absolutely thrilled to share with you why our candle-making experience is a...
Cindy's Favorite Things - July 2023
Meta Summary: In this blog post, Cindy, the proud owner of Candle Studio 1422, shares her top 5 favorite things from July 2023. The list includes a food blog with...
Cindy's Favorite Things - July 2023
Meta Summary: In this blog post, Cindy, the proud owner of Candle Studio 1422, shares her top 5 favorite things from July 2023. The list includes a food blog with...
Illuminating Self-Care: The Power of Candles in...
There are countless ways to practice self-care, and adding candles into your routine is a timeless ritual. Candles help create a tranquil and soothing atmosphere, foster relaxation, mindfulness, and a...
Illuminating Self-Care: The Power of Candles in...
There are countless ways to practice self-care, and adding candles into your routine is a timeless ritual. Candles help create a tranquil and soothing atmosphere, foster relaxation, mindfulness, and a...
Unleash Your Creativity: Create Your Signature ...
At Candle Studio 1422, we love to see guests create candle scents that embody their unique style and personality. As a soy candle-making business, we believe that crafting a custom...
Unleash Your Creativity: Create Your Signature ...
At Candle Studio 1422, we love to see guests create candle scents that embody their unique style and personality. As a soy candle-making business, we believe that crafting a custom...
How to Care for Your Soy Candle
*This article contains affiliate links. Soy candles are a great way to scent your home and business. In addition, they make great gifts for friends, family, and clients. If you take...
How to Care for Your Soy Candle
*This article contains affiliate links. Soy candles are a great way to scent your home and business. In addition, they make great gifts for friends, family, and clients. If you take...
Exciting Fall Updates Coming to the Studio!
Candle of the Month Club, coming soon! I have been wanting to start a subscription box for a couple of years now; even before I opened my studio back in 2020....
Exciting Fall Updates Coming to the Studio!
Candle of the Month Club, coming soon! I have been wanting to start a subscription box for a couple of years now; even before I opened my studio back in 2020....